Stem Cell Transplant

January 8, 2022

I have been learning a lot of new information and the stem cell transplant has been one of the most interesting topics so far. I want to start off with saying that I may not have all my facts straight but from my understanding this is what a stem cell transplant could do for me. If my bone marrow continues to show no leukemia cells after my first round of induction chemotherapy I could then have consolidation chemo. From there I would talk to a transplant specialist about my options and the numbers surrounding the transplant. Being that I have 4 full blood siblings I have a 75% chance that one of my siblings could be a match for me, otherwise we would look elsewhere for potential matches. Upon finding a match I would get higher doses of chemo to prepare me for the transplant.

Chemo wipes out the good and bad cells. In the bone marrow it takes out the stemcells and essentially leaves an empty space for the donor’s stem cells to reside. A stem cell transplant I was told is one of the most anticlimatic transplants. Essentially, the donor receives a shot that stimulates their stem cells and makes them produce more. Then they get their blood drawn and me, as the receiver, would get a transfusion. At this point my own stem cells would not exist anymore and I would then have the same DNA as whoever my donor is. If it were a male who ended up being my match I would have xy blood. I would also be considered a chimera.

I was told that you initially would want your donors stem cells to reject your bone marrow a little bit because it could be considered a type of chemotherapy. If there are leukemia cells still hidden in your bone marrow and the new stem cells detect them and get rid of them than that would be all the more helpful.